17 June 2020

Pursuant to the “Restriction of Movement Control Order” that was announced by the Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16 March 2020 (the “Order”) and the subsidiary legislations issued under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988, government agencies have swiftly issued Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQ”) and statements to further clarify the practical effects of the measures imposed by the Order and the subsidiary legislations. Additionally, the current pandemic has also triggered the release of governmental initiatives that aim to cushion the impact of COVID-19 and smoothen operations.

The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) Regulations 2020 were gazetted on 18 March 2020 and the restrictive measures were effective from 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020 (“Initial Period”). This was extended pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 2) Regulations 2020, to cover the period from 1 April 2020 to 14 April 2020 (“Second Phase Period”). The Government extended the restrictive measures for the second time pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 3) Regulations 2020, to cover the period from 15 April 2020 to 28 April 2020 (“Third Phase Period”). On 29 April 2020, the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 4) Regulations 2020 (revoked) (“PCID Regulations 4”) were gazetted, to cover the period from 29 April 2020 to 12 May 2020 (“Fourth Phase Period”, collectively with The Initial Period, the Second Phase Period and the Third Phase Period, the “Restricted Period”).

On 1 May 2020, the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced that all economic sectors and businesses (save for those that are specifically excluded) will be allowed to resume operations, subject to conditions and standard operating procedures (“SOPs”), from 4 May 2020 (“Conditional Movement Control Order”). On 3 May 2020, the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 5) Regulations 2020 were gazetted to give effect to the Conditional Movement Control Order for the period from 4 May 2020 to 12 May 2020 and revoked the PCID Regulations 4. The Conditional Movement Control Order was extended pursuant to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 6) Regulations 2020, to cover the period from 13 May 2020 to 9 June 2020.

The Prime Minister of Malaysia announced on 7 June 2020 that the country would transition from the so-called “Conditional Movement Control Order”, which was in force until 9 June 2020, to a “Recovery Movement Control Order” (“RMCO”) that is scheduled to have effect from 10 June 2020 to 31 August 2020. In line with this, the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 7) Regulations 2020 (“PCID Regulations No. 7”) were gazetted on 10 June 2020. The PCID Regulations No. 7 will be effective from 10 June 2020 to 31 August 2020 (“Recovery Period”), for the duration of the whole RMCO. A list of the SOPs that businesses must comply with during the Recovery Period can be accessed here.

We have set out below a comprehensive list of all FAQs and publications issued by the respective governmental departments / agencies as at 17 June 2020. The list will be updated as further information is released.


Government Agency / Body


Published on


Asian International Arbitration Centre

Announcement on operations during the Initial Period, Second Phase Period and Third Phase Period and Fourth Phase Period.

17 March 2020, 26 March 2020, 11 April 2020, 23 April 2020

Announcement on operations during the Conditional Movement Control Period, available here.

1 May 2020


Bursa Securities Malaysia Berhad

Directive on the implementation of the “at-tick rule”, available here.

17 March 2020

Guidelines on the holding of company AGMs, available here for the Main Market, and available here for the ACE Market.

17 March 2020

Circular on the temporary suspension of short selling frameworks, available here.

24 March 2020

Directive on the extension of time for submission of financial statements, available here for the Main Market and available here for the ACE Market.

24 March 2020

Announcement on additional relief measures for capital market players, available here.

26 March 2020

Directive on the extension of time for submission of quarterly and annual reports and regularisation plans, available here for the Main Market, here for the ACE Market and here for the LEAP Market.

26 March 2020

Circular on the temporary measures in relation to margin financing, available here.

27 March 2020

Directive on the additional temporary relief measures for listed issuers, available here for the Main Market, here for the ACE Market and here for the LEAP Market.

16 April 2020

Circular on the extension of the temporary suspension on short selling frameworks, available here.

28 April 2020

Grant of 1-month extension of time for listed issuers with financial year ending on 31 March 2020 to submit annual reports and annual audited financial statements, available here.

6 May 2020


Central Bank of Malaysia

FAQ, available here.

22 March 2020

FAQ on Loan/Financing Deferment Measures, available here.

25 March 2020

Additional Measures to further support SMEs and individuals, available here, with FAQ available here.

27 March 2020

FAQ on temporary relief measures for insurance policyholders and takaful participants, available here.

29 March 2020

Operationalisation of Moratorium for Hire-Purchase Loans and Fixed Rate Islamic Financing, available here, with FAQ available here.

1 May 2020


Chief Registrar of the Federal Courts of Malaysia

Media Statement on the status of trials and hearings during the Initial Period and Second Phase Period and Fourth Phase Period.

17 March 2020, 26 March 2020, 24 April 2020

Media Statement on the status of operations during the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020

Media Statement on the status of operations during the RMCO, available here.

9 June 2020


Companies Commission of Malaysia

Press statement on the extension of time for lodgements, available here.

17 March 2020

FAQs on AGMs and filing of documents during the Restricted Period, available here and here.

Note: Further FAQs are available on the social media page at http://www.facebook.com/ssmofficialpage/

18 March 2020, 15 April 2020

Press statement on the initiatives introduced to lessen the burden on the corporate sector, available here.

10 April 2020

Practice Direction on the extension of time for AGMs and lodgement of financial statements, available here, and FAQ available here.

15 April 2020

FAQ on the application for registration of charges, available here.

21 April 2020

FAQ on application for company information, available here.

29 April 2020

FAQ on the compound exemption granted for the delay in renewal of business registrations, available here.

11 June 2020


Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia

Media Statement on operations during the Restricted Period, available here, here and here.

17 March 2020, 26 March 2020, 13 April 2020

FAQ, available here.

3 April 2020

Media Statement on the opening of the stamp duty counters, available here.

2 April 2020

FAQ on reduction of tax for landlords, available here.

28 April 2020


Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia

Guidelines on operations during the Restricted Period, available here and here.

17 March 2020, 31 March 2020

Practice Direction No.1/2020 pursuant to the Trademarks Act 2019, available here.

24 April 2020


Malaysian Department of Insolvency

Media Statement on moratorium on repayments, available here.

31 March 2020

Suspension of agreement to purchase property, available here.

31 March 2020

Withdrawal from the Employees Provident Fund for bankrupt persons, available here.

31 March 2020


Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

Media Statement on the waiver of the location condition under the conditions of grant of MSC Malaysia Status, available here and here.

7 April 2020


Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ (Part 3), available here.

22 March 2020


Ministry of Communications and Multimedia

FAQ, available here.

22 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

12 May 2020

Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (under the purview of the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia)

Guidelines and preventive measures for postal service providers, available here.

17 March 2020


Ministry of Defense

FAQ, available here.

21 March 2020

Update to the above FAQ, available here.

4 April 2020


Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (“MDTCA”)

FAQ, available here.

17 March 2020

Media Statement on the lack of restrictions on the supply chain, food supply and e-commerce businesses, available here.

25 March 2020

Media statement on the validity of the MDTCA’s approval throughout the Restricted Period, available here.

3 April 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020


Ministry of Education

FAQ, available here.

18 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

29 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020


Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

12 May 2020

Department of Director General of Lands and Mines (under the purview of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources)

FAQ, available here.

6 April 2020


Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives

FAQ, available here.

6 April 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order :

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

13 May 2020


Ministry of Environment

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020


Ministry of Finance

Information on Economic Stimulus Package 2020, available here.

27 February 2020


Media Statement on Economic Stimulus Package for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

21 March 2020

FAQ on the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional cash handouts, available here.

29 March 2020


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

FAQ, available here.

22 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020


Ministry of Health

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020


Ministry of Higher Education

FAQ, available here.

18 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

21 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

7 May 2020


Ministry of Home Affairs

Guidelines on the implementation of the Order at Malaysia’s borders, issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

21 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

13 May 2020

National Registration Department (under the purview of the Ministry of Home Affairs)

FAQ, available here.

21 March 2020


Ministry of Housing and Local Government

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

20 March 2020


Ministry of Human Resources

Media Statement on the issuance of Guidelines for Handling COVID-19 Outbreak Related Issues in the Workplace, available here.

16 March 2020

FAQ (Part 1), available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

23 March 2020

FAQ (Part 3), available here.

31 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

6 May 2020

Social Security Organisation (under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources)

Media Statement on the introduction of the Employment Retention Programme (“ERP”) available here.

17 March 2020

Circular on the Procedure on the Application Process for the ERP, available here.

18 March 2020

Application form for the ERP (Form ERPC-19), available here.

FAQ on the ERP, available here.

FAQ on the Wage Subsidy Program, available here.

7 April 2020

Department of Labour, Peninsular Malaysia (under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resources)

Guidelines on Handling Issues Relating to Contagious Outbreaks including COVID-19 at the workplace, available here.

7 February 2020


Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Official Statement, outlining the below:

18 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

Media Release on the extension of the approval to operate to logistics and transport services providers, available here.

21 March 2020

Media Release on continued operations of companies with MITI’s approval letter, available here.

25 March 2020

Media Release on the alternative way to facilitate the endorsement of certificate of origin for companies, available here.

29 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

6 April 2020

Media Release on the approval for additional sectors to operate during the Third Phase Period, available here, with FAQ available here.

10 April 2020, 13 April 2020

Press Conference on allowing additional sectors to operate, available here.

16 April 2020

FAQ (Part 4), available here.

17 April 2020

Media Release on validity of existing approvals given to companies during Fourth Phase Period, available here.

24 April 2020

Media Release on the increased capacity for companies to operate, available here.

28 April 2020

Media Release on the procedure for endorsement of preferential certificate of origin for companies during the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here, and FAQ available here.

3 May 2020, 4 May 2020

Media Release on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

4 May 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

8 May 2020


Ministry of National Unity

Media Statement available here.

18 March 2020

Media Statement available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020


Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities

Media Statement, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

Update to the above FAQ, available here.

21 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

4 May 2020


Ministry of Rural Development

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

1 April 2020


Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

4 May 2020


Ministry of Territories

FAQ, available here.

19 March 2020

FAQ, available here.

5 May 2020


Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

31 March 2020


Ministry of Transport

FAQ, available here.

18 March 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

26 March 2020

Media Statement on measures to ensure the continued supply of goods during the Restricted Period, available here.

26 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

3 May 2020


Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

Media Release on Guidelines for the activities of Non-Governmental Organisations during the Restricted Period, available here.

1 April 2020


Ministry of Works

FAQ, available here.

18 March 2020 (updated on 24 March 2020)

Update of the FAQ, available here.

1 April 2020

FAQ (Part 2), available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

8 May 2020


Ministry of Youth and Sports

FAQ, available here.

20 March 2020

FAQ on the Conditional Movement Control Order, available here.

4 May 2020


National Disaster Management Agency

FAQ on the granting of special aid, available here.

25 March 2020

FAQ on the quarantine process, available here.

6 April 2020


National Security Council

FAQ on the Order, available here.

17 March 2020

Media Statement containing a breakdown of essential and non-essential services, available here.

18 March 2020

Media Statement regarding the sectors that are permitted to operate during the Restricted Period, available here.

18 March 2020

Infographic on Essential and Non-Essential Services, available here.

18 March 2020

FAQ on the Second Phase Period, available here, and update available here.

3 April 2020

FAQ on the MySejahtera application, available here.

17 April 2020


Public Service Department

Guidelines for the Control of Issues Related to the Spread of COVID-19 in Government Premises, available here.

16 March 2020

FAQ on the Guidelines above, available here.

FAQ, available here.

25 March 2020


Royal Malaysian Customs Department

Official Statement, available here.

17 March 2020


Securities Commission Malaysia

Extension of time for REIT managers of listed REITS to hold AGMs, available here.

17 March 2020

Circular to Capital Markets Services Licence Holders, available here.

20 March 2020

Media Statement on suspension of short-selling, available here.

23 March 2020

Media Statement on further relief measures for capital market licensed entities, available here.

24 March 2020

Media Statement on margin financing flexibilities for capital market participants, available here.

26 March 2020

Capital Market FAQ, available here.

30 March 2020

Media Release by the Audit Oversight Board, available here.

7 April 2020

Media Statement to fund managers and unit trust management companies to prioritise investor interests, available here.

9 April 2020

Media Statement on further capital market measures to support businesses, available here.

16 April 2020

Guidance on virtual meetings for listed issuers, available here.

18 April 2020

Media Statement on flexibilities in complying with take-over offer requirements, available here.

23 April 2020

Media Statement on advising investors to be on alert for COVID-19 investment scams and unauthorised digital asset exchanges, available here.

24 April 2020

Media Statement on the extension of suspension on short selling, available here.

28 April 2020

Media Statement on flexibilities for businesses issuing convertible notes to venture capital and private equity firms, available here.

28 April 2020

Media Statement on guidance on COVID-19 Health and Safety measures for capital market participants, available here.

8 May 2020




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