Credit facilities exceeding US$900,000,000 granted by a consortium of lenders to Yondr Group

Rahmat Lim & Partners advised a Malaysian subsidiary of Yondr Group (“Borrower”), as Malaysian counsel, in respect of credit facilities exceeding US$900,000,000 (“Facilities”) granted by a consortium of lenders comprising DBS Bank Ltd., Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore Branch, Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Offshore Banking Unit, Labuan, ING Bank N.V., Singapore Branch, International Finance Corporation (a member of the World Bank Group), Natixis, Singapore Branch, and Global Infrastructure Partners (a part of Blackrock).
Yondr Group is an international data centre developer, owner and operator. The Facilities will be used towards, among other things, (a) refinancing existing indebtedness of the Borrower; and (b) the construction and initial operation costs of a 98MW hyperscale data centre campus located in Sedenak Tech Park, Johor, Malaysia, owned by the Borrower.
Advising the Borrower were Partners Kelvin Loh, Dzuhairi bin Jaafar Thani and Lee Yee Ling.