15 November 2022

The High Court of Malaya in Gabungan Pertubuhan Teksi, Kereta Sewa, Limosin dan Teksi Lapangan Terbang Semalaysia-GTSM v GrabCar Sdn Bhd [2022] 1 CLJ 956 considered several questions of law in relation to alleged breaches of several Acts, including the Competition Act 2010 (“CA”). In particular, the court clarified the position in Malaysia relating to private actions under the CA and the Road Transport Act 1987 (“RTA”).

This article provides an overview of the court’s decision and its relevance in Malaysia.

 To read the full article, please click here

This case summary was prepared with the assistance of Associate Kimberly Lim Ming Ying.


Knowledge Highlights 11 July 2024

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms 2024 (8th Ed) - Malaysia

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