CDR Essential Intelligence: The Belt and Road Initiative 2025 - Malaysia

Partners Dzuhairi Jaafar Thani, Chen Lee Won, Jack Yow and Joycelyn Ang contributed the Malaysia chapter to CDR Essential Intelligence: The Belt and Road Initiative 2025, published by Global Legal Group, London. The chapter highlights key themes concerning the country's connection to Belt and Road projects, an overview of the country (including investment limitations), and international dispute settlement mechanisms.
This chapter was prepared with the assistance of Partners Karen Foong and Kwong Chiew Ee, as well as Senior Associate Tee Zhi Lun, Associates Aniq Ikhwan, Carol Chong, Cassandra Oh, Joycelyn Lim and Ng Yee Chong.
Partners Yong Kai Chang, Afzal Ali, Ho Pey Yann & Zhao Jiawei of our associate firm in Singapore, Allen & Gledhill, contributed the Singapore chapter.
Allen & Gledhill (Myanmar) Managing Director Minn Naing Oo and Allen & Gledhill Partner Kang Yanyi contributed the Myanmar chapter.
Foreign Counsel Oene J. Marseille and Partners Kevin Sidharta and Aris Budi Prasetiyo of AGI Legal, Allen & Gledhill's associate firm in Indonesia, contributed the Indonesia chapter.